Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blueberries Hold the Key to Weight Loss


A weakened Immune System leads to Cancer and a strong Immune System destroys Cancer cells.  It is common knowledge that antioxidants can be used as Immune System Boosters. Obtaining Antioxidants naturally from Foods is generally considered to be the most beneficial and healthy practice. Flavonoids including Anthocyanins are powerful Antioxidants that protect the body against Oxidative Damage by neutralizing Free Radicals. Blueberries contain a host of antioxidants such as Anthocyanin, Ferulic Acid, and Vitamins A, C, and E, which have anti-aging and anti-cancer properties.

Apples also contain Ferulic Acid

Ferulic Acid Antioxidant

Antioxidants are linked to Weight Control. People who consume more Antioxidants weigh less, even when they don’t keep tabs on their Calories. Blueberries contain Antioxidants that scavenge Free Radicals. Anthocyanin, which is the pigment that makes the Blueberry blue, is the Key Antioxidant. Blueberries cause natural Weight Loss by inhibiting the formation of Adipocytes, the Fat Cells that are responsible for Fat Storage in the body. Blueberries are also a good source of Dietary Fiber, another Key Factor in Weight Control. Therefore, blueberries make an excellent addition to the Weight Loss program. There are about 30 different varieties of Blueberry. One can buy Frozen Blueberries year-round. LOW Antioxidant intake is associated with the formation of Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones

Blueberries are Low in Calories, High in Fiber, Low on the Glycemic Index, and are packed with Nutrients. Blueberries contain Anthocyanin, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Vitamins A, C, E, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Ellagic Acid, and Salicylic Acid. Blueberries inhibit formation of new Fat Cells (adipocytes) by altering lipid metabolism. Catechins found in blueberries activate fat-burning genes in abdominal Fat Cells to assist with Weight Loss and Belly Fat Loss. Belly Fat is linked to an increased risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes. The antioxidants like Anthocyanins are reputed to reduce inflammation and protect against Heart Disease and Cancer.

Eye Protection
Anthocyanins in blueberries improve Night Vision, prevent eye damage, protect against Retinopathy, Cataract, and Glaucoma. Anthocyanins are helpful for those spending long hours in front of computer screens.

Brain Functions
Anthocyanins in blueberries help improve Memory, relieve symptoms of Dementia and Depression, and increase production of Dopamine that tends to be low in Parkinson’s disease.

Urinary Tract
Blueberries support Healthy Urinary Tract function and reduce the risk of infection by preventing Bacteria, including E. coli, from adhering to the cells that line the walls of the Urinary Tract.

Sleep Aid
Blueberries support Healthy Sleep and help Burn Fat during Sleep.

Allergy Symptoms
Quercetin antioxidant in blueberries helps quell Allergy Symptoms. Snacking on blueberries can get Quercetin into the Diet.

Skin Care
Foods rich in antioxidants such as Blueberries keep the Skin smooth, prevent wrinkles, eliminate scars, increase elasticity, fight against blemishes and acne, and balance levels of Oil in the Skin.

Cancer Prevention
By blocking metabolic pathways that can lead to Cancer, Ellagic Acid in blueberries plays a Major Role in Cancer Prevention and Tumor Reversal.

Digestive Health
Blueberries contain the soluble fiber Pectin which helps ease symptoms of diarrhea and get rid of Diarrhea.

Difference between Blueberry and Acai Berry
1) One CUP of fresh, raw Blueberries provides 84 calories, 0 grams of Fat, 21 grams of Carbohydrates and 1 gram of Protein. Carbohydrates include 4 grams of dietary Fiber and 15 grams of Sugar.
2) One CUP of Acai Berries provides 125 calories, 2.4 grams of Fat, 28.8 grams of Carbohydrates and 0.8 grams of Protein. Carbohydrates include 4 grams of dietary Fiber and 20.8 grams of Sugar.

Blueberries Help in Healing:
  1. Aging
  2.  Alzheimer's Disease
  3.  Blood Pressure
  4. Bones
  5. Cancer
  6. Cholesterol
  7. Diabetes
  8. Heart Disease
  9.  Inflammation
  10. Insomnia
  11. Macular Degeneration
  12. Obesity
  13. Parkinson’s Disease

Freeze Dried Blueberry Extract Powder sold as a supplement is often touted as a rich source of Antioxidants. For a 36:1 extract ratio, every 36 grams portion of whole blueberries (corresponding to 1/4 Cup of fresh blueberries) should deliver 1 gram of pure Blueberry Extract Powder per serving. 

1000 mg of 36:1 Blueberry Extract equivalent to 36 g Blueberry per 2 Capsules

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Health Benefits of Dietary Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium plays a vital role in the active transport of Calcium and Potassium ions across cell membranes. Muscles need Calcium for Contraction and Magnesium for Relaxation. Magnesium, a known inhibitor of Calcium receptors, blocks Calcium from entering muscle and heart cells. Magnesium is Nature's own Calcium Channel Blocker. The presence of excess Calcium is directly related to Magnesium Deficiency. When Calcium goes up, Magnesium goes down and vice versa. Excess Calcium due to insufficient Magnesium in the cell can give rise to muscle cramps, hardening of the arteries, fibromyalgia, calcium deposits and kidney stones.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that not only speeds up Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) but also activates over 325 biochemical reactions in the body to keep the body working properly. Magnesium provides Oxygen to the Muscles; and activates Enzymes that control digestion, absorption, and utilization of Carbohydrates Proteins, and Fats. This mineral raises cellular Energy Production by activating the energy-rich ATP molecule to create and store Energy. During exercise, depletion of energy in muscle cells causes a corresponding drop in the level of Magnesium. Low Magnesium levels make the body work harder, leading to early signs of Fatigue. Individuals with Magnesium Deficiency run out of energy quite fast, so they get tired easily.

Magnesium is required for Energy Production and Glycolysis

Magnesium is needed as part of the Electrolyte System. It is required to keep the fluids balanced properly. When Magnesium levels drop, fluids build up in the body and cause water retention, which results in Weight Gain
Most Diabetic Patients are Deficient in Magnesium content. Magnesium is necessary for Insulin to usher Glucose into Cells, where Glucose is involved in making Energy for the body. If there is Not enough Magnesium to do this job, both Insulin and Glucose become elevated. The excess Glucose gets stored as Fat and contributes to Obesity. Gaining Weight around the middle is related to Magnesium Deficiency and Insulin Resistance. Magnesium boosts Adiponectin Hormone levels for Weight Loss

For more information on Adiponectin Hormone, please watch the enclosed Video:
Magnesium, an important nutrient for Bone Density, helps the body absorb Calcium to build healthy bones. Magnesium Deficiency can cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, GERD, and Insomnia. Magnesium is involved in the production of the sleep-promoting Hormone, Melatonin. Intense exercise too close to bedtime can increase Adrenaline levels, leading to Insomnia. Magnesium overrides the Cortisol connection between Stress and Obesity. Magnesium helps relax the Sphincter at the bottom of the Stomach, allowing the Food to go down. 

Magnesium stimulates the release of anti-inflammatory Prostaglandin E1 and Nitric Oxide, which increases blood flow due to vasodilation, resulting in Penile Erection. Magnesium is also a Testosterone BoosterMagnesium also helps improve pain-free walking distance in people with Intermittent Claudication

Diuretics can cause the Kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of Magnesium. Low Magnesium levels increase Potassium and Calcium excretion in the Urine; as a result Calcium ends up forming Kidney Stones with Oxalic Acid. Magnesium Oxalate is more soluble than Calcium Oxalate. While Potassium reduces urinary excretion of Calcium, Magnesium inhibits the formation of Calcium-Oxalate crystals in the Urine. Tendency for Calcium to crystallize is one of the signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Both Magnesium Citrate and Malate increase the solubility of Calcium in the Urine and inhibit the development of Calcium Stones by raising the Alkalinity of the Urine. Caffeine can increase the risk of developing kidney stones. Daily intake should not exceed three cups a day. Magnesium is Alkaline, and therefore can act as an Antacid

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:

  1. Arrhythmia
  2. Autism
  3. ADHD
  4. Bedwetting
  5. Blood Clots
  6. Blood Pressure
  7. BMR on the decline
  8. CFS
  9. Cystitis
  10. Depression
  11. Diabetes
  12. Fibromyalgia Syndrome
  13. Hardening of Arteries
  14. Hypertension
  15. Inflammation
  16. Insomnia
  17. Kidneys Malfunctioning
  18. Kidney Stones
  19. Migraine
  20. Nystagmus
  21. Osteoporosis
  22. PMS
  23. Sciatic Nerve Pain
  24. TMJ Dysfunction
  25. Weight Gain

Best Dietary Sources of Magnesium
Magnesium Content in mg / 100 g Serving Size
Pumpkin seeds (roasted)
Sesame seeds
Peanuts (roasted, salted)
Potato (baked)

Magnesium Supplements
Magnesium Salt Type
Elemental Magnesium / Tab
Magnesium Oxide (MagOx 400)
241 mg (20.1 mEq)
Magnesium Chloride (Slow-Mag)
64 mg (5.33 mEq)
Magnesium Lactate (Mag-Tab SR)
84 mg (7 mEq)
Dimagnesium Malate (Jigsaw SRT)
125 mg (10.4 mEq)
New RDA for Elemental Magnesium is 500 mg. per Day

Magnesium Supplements Boost Energy Levels

Dietary Magnesium Supplements replenish Magnesium when Magnesium levels run low in the body. Both Magnesium and Malic acid play an important part in the energy production for the muscles. As a result, Magnesium Malate supplements are used by Athletes who wish to make the most of their Energy Production and boost their Athletic Performance

Dimagnesium Malate is a patented form of Magnesium. with One Molecule of Malic Acid attached to Two Molecules of Magnesium, it represents an excellent source of Magnesium and Malic Acid. In addition, as Malate does NOT react with gastric acid, it does NOT upset the digestive system as is sometimes the case with other forms of Magnesium. Magnesium Oxide works within minutes, whereas Dimagnesium Malate takes up to two hours for the full effect of a dosage. 

Topical Benefits of Epsom Salt for External Use

Magnesium Sulfate, commonly known as Epsom Salt, can do wonders for those of us suffering from arthritis, athlete’s foot, psoriasis, and/or stress. Epsom Salt is readily absorbed through the Skin directly into the bloodstream to help soothe the body, mind, and soul. While Stress drains the body of Magnesium and increases the level of Adrenaline, Epsom Salt replenishes Magnesium and reduces Adrenaline effects. 
For Toe Nail Fungus Infection:

  1. Soak both feet for at least 30 minutes in a shallow Pan with 10 X 8 oz Hot Water containing 5 tbsp of Epsom salt and 1 tbsp of Baking Soda. 
  2. Epsom Salt, a Drying Agent, makes Feet Dry by drawing out the Moisture
  3. For best results, Apply Sesame Oil as a Moisturizer when finished. 

For Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

  1. Dissolve Epsom Salt in Hot Water and have a Bath
  2. For best results, Apply Sesame Oil as a Moisturizer after the Bath. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bladder & Prostate Problems Perspective

The involuntary muscle in the Bladder Wall is named the Detrusor.  Urine from the Bladder flows out of the body through a duct called the Urethra.  The Urethra extends from the Bladder Neck to the outside of the body. There are two Sphincters that control the outflow of urine from the Bladder through the Urethra.  One is referred to as the Internal Urethral Sphincter and the other as the External Urethral Sphincter.  While the Internal Sphincter is under involuntary control, the External Sphincter is under voluntary control.  In men, the External Sphincter muscle surrounds the entire length of the Urethra. 
The Prostate is a doughnut-shaped, muscular male reproductive gland about the size of a walnut that sits directly beneath the Urinary Bladder and surrounds the Bladder Neck and the Urethra.  During ejaculation, the Prostate gland secretes an alkaline fluid that constitutes an integral part of the semen.  In men, the Urethra passes through the Prostate first and then through the Penis.  Besides urine, the male Urethra discharges semen during ejaculation.  The Prostate gland contains the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts the hormone Testosterone into the mutant hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes both Prostate Enlargement and Hair Loss.  
When the bladder gets about half full with approximately 250 mL of urine, receptors in the Bladder transmit signals to the brain that it’s about time to empty the Bladder.  Eventually, when a person is almost ready to urinate, voiding reflexes stimulate involuntary Detrusor muscle contraction (to expel urine from the Bladder) and involuntary Internal Sphincter muscle relaxation (to let urine flow out of the Bladder into the Urethra).  Concurrently, the person consciously relaxes the voluntary External Sphincter muscle to let urine drain from the Urethra to the outside.  Finally, the person may willfully stop the flow of urine in midstream or simply conclude the emptying phase by contracting the voluntary External Sphincter muscle. 
Overactive Bladder (OAB) is a debilitating medical condition caused by unpredictable muscle spasms in the Bladder due to overactivity of the involuntary Detrusor muscle.  When the Detrusor muscle contracts more often than usual, the abnormal muscle contractions create the urge to urinate even when the bladder is not completely full, resulting in the onset of urinary symptoms such as Urgency (with or without Incontinence), Frequency, and episodes of Nocturia.  For urine to exit the bladder, both internal and external sphincters must be open.  Malfunctioning of these sphincter muscles can lead to the loss of voluntary control over urinary continence, resulting in Urge Incontinence, which is another name for OAB. 
The term Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) implies an overgrowth of the prostate cells during the aging process, leading to enlargement of the Prostate gland.  BPH is the most common, non-cancerous condition that occurs when Testosterone in the Prostate is transformed to DHT by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase.  By binding to its receptors in the Prostate, DHT stimulates Prostate cells to grow and multiply excessively and the Prostate gland to enlarge.  In summary, the excessive build-up of mutant DHT is the root cause of abnormal enlargement of the Prostate. 
Enlarged Prostate presses against the Urethra and obstructs the outflow of urine from the Bladder, causing Urinary Retention due to incomplete bladder emptying.  As a result of this, the Detrusor muscle becomes extraordinarily more irritable and prone to spasmodic contractions that elicit a constant urge to urinate, regardless of how much urine is left in the Bladder.  When the prostate enlarges too much, urination becomes difficult, and the risk of Urinary Tract Infection increases due to acute Urinary Retention.
Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate Gland may include Urgency, Frequency, Incontinence, Nocturia, Incomplete Emptying, Weak Stream, Dribbling, Hesitancy, Urine Retention, Burning Urination, and Lower Back Pain.  Since these symptoms of BPH overlap those of OAB, the possibility of both the BPH and OAB conditions occurring at the same time should not be ruled out. 
Erectile Dysfunction (ED), a common disorder in men, denotes the inability to achieve and maintain a full erection during sexual arousal.  This ED condition is attributed to the existence of the enzyme Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5), which plays a key role as a major risk factor because it destroys the Nitric Oxide (NO) responsible for relaxing blood vessels to increase blood flow to the Penis.  Research has shown beyond the shadow of a doubt that inhibitors of the enzyme PDE-5 have the ability to relieve ED symptoms. 
Currently, drugs such as Cialis (tadalafil), Levitra (vardenafil), and Viagra (sildenafil), classified as PDE-5 inhibitors are often used to relieve ED symptoms in men.  Studies have found that there is an association between the BPH and ED conditions. 
The First out of the five categories of prescription drugs listed below deals with the treatment of OAB alone.  The next three categories are used to treat BPH condition as an underlying cause of OAB symptoms in men.  The last category based on the PDE-5 enzyme inhibition precepts is specifically for the treatment of both BPH and ED syndromes in men. 
  I.          Anticholinergics
Anticholinergic medications are the mainstay of OAB therapy.  Anticholinergic drugs approved for the treatment of OAB symptoms include: Detrol (tolterodine), Ditropan (oxybutynin), Enablex (darifenacin), Sanctura (trospium), Toviaz (fesoterodine), and Vesicare (solifenacin).  Most of these drugs have a host of annoying side effects such as: Dry Mouth, Urinary Retention, Constipation, Blurred Vision, and Rapid Heartbeat. 
II.          Alpha-1 Blockers
Classified as the alpha-1 adrenergic receptor blockers, Cardura (doxazosin), Hytrin (terazosin), Flomax (tamsulosin), Rapaflo (silodosin), and Uroxatral (alfuzosin) relax the smooth muscles of the Bladder Neck and the Prostate to relieve the symptoms of BPH without reducing the size of the Prostate.  Potential side effects including, but not limited to Skin Rash, Low Blood Pressure, Blurred Vision, Dry Mouth, Sleep Disruption, and Difficulty Ejaculating should not be overlooked. 
III.          5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors
When used in men with BPH, Avodart (dutasteride) and Proscar (finasteride) drugs inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from converting Testosterone to DHT.  By suppressing the production of DHT, these drugs cause shrinkage of the Prostate.  As the Prostate shrinks, urine outflow improves and Overflow Incontinence is reduced.  Bothersome side effects of these two drugs include ED, and diminished libido. 
IV.          5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitor and Alpha-1 Blocker Combo
Jalyn (dutasteride plus tamsulosin), a combination of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor and alpha-1 blocker drugs, is designed to shrink the Prostate as well as relax the Prostate and Detrusor muscles in order to control the symptoms of both OAB and BPH. 
V.          Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor
Ejaculation during frequent intercourse removes Prostatic fluid and shrinks the Prostate.  As a unique PDE-5 inhibitor, Cialis per se has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of men with both ED and BPH symptoms at the same time.  PDE5 inhibitors are contraindicated in those who are taking nitrate medications for chest pain.  Studies are underway to evaluate Cialis in combination with selective Alpha-1 Blockers. 
Surgery is the last resort for OAB and BPH treatments.  Simply put, conventional treatments, designed to reduce Urinary Frequency by extending the time between Urge and Voiding, may not always be effective.  For those who tend to shy away from prescription drugs because of their adverse side effects, herbal alternatives come in very handy as the second best choice. 
People who don’t need Rx drugs or surgery might consider using Herbal remedies to relax the Prostate muscle and reduce the size of the Prostate.  Apparently, natural and herbal alternatives are relatively safe, effective, and less expensive than the counterpart drug therapies to relieve BPH symptoms without untoward side effects. 
Natural Remedies
Several herbs have been found to be effective in relieving OAB symptoms in men due to enlarged Prostate.  Medicinal herbs such as Saw Palmetto, Beta Sitosterol, Stinging Nettle, Pygeum Bark, and Pumpkin Seeds seem to have the potential to shrink the enlarged Prostate naturally by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase from converting Testosterone to DHT.  Likewise, Valerian herb does indeed help relax smooth muscles in the bladder, thereby reducing the spasms that create urinary urgency and easing the need to urinate frequently. 
·     Lipophilic extract of Saw Palmetto berries is the most commonly used non-prescription therapy for the treatment of BPH syndrome.  A daily dose of 320 mg Saw Palmetto Berry Extract standardized to 85-95% Fatty Acids and Sterols has been reported to be effective in alleviating BPH symptoms.  There are no official dosage recommendations available for Beta Sitosterol, Stinging Nettle, Pygeum Bark, Lycopene and Pomegranate Extracts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame Seeds, and Tribulus Terrestris (Gokhru) to improve Prostate health.
·     Vitamins such as B6, B12, D and E, and minerals including Copper, Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc also play an important role in treating the Enlarged Prostate.  Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of Zinc, a mineral essential to normal Prostate function. 
·     Sesame seeds have the potential to relieve BPH symptoms and lower Blood Cholesterol. Sesame seeds contain Phytosterols and Lignans (a class of Phytoestrogens with antioxidant activity) such as Sesamin and Sesamolin.  Sesame seeds are one of the richest sources of Phytosterols, whereas Sesame seeds and Flaxseeds are two of the richest sources of Lignans. The most abundant Phytosterol found in Sesame Seeds is none other than Beta Sitosterol. Other Phytosterols include Campesterol and Stigmasterol. Total Phytosterol content of Sesame Seeds and Pumpkin Seeds corresponds to 400 mg/100 g and 265 mg/100 g, respectively. Beta-Sitosterol in high doses helps shrink enlarged Prostate, improve Libido, and prevent Hair Loss. The presence of Selenium and Zinc minerals in Sesame Seeds may also help improve Prostate health.
·     Isoflavone Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that have a chemical structure similar to that of human Estrogen.  By providing estrogen-like health benefits, Soy isoflavones help relieve OAB symptoms in women and BPH symptoms in men. 
·     Quercetin, a naturally occurring bioflavonoid found in Apples, Onions, and Red Grapes, has been shown to significantly reduce BPH symptoms by acting as a natural cofactor in reducing Prostate Swelling. 
·     Valerian Root Extract powder traditionally used as a sleep aid may also act as a natural muscle relaxant for urinary tract problems.  Valerian Root Extracts are prepared from the standardized dry extract containing 0.8% Valerenic acid. 
·    Freeze-dried (or spray-dried) Aloe Vera Extract preparations for Oral administration are used quite often to strengthen the muscles of the urinary system and relieve prostate-related symptoms of incontinence. 

·   Last but not least, the New Thermobalancing Medical Device invented by Dr Simon Allen is designed not only to treat Lower Back Pain and Sciatica, but also to reverse BPH and improve libido by reducing the Prostate Size naturally. For more information on this New Natural Thermobalancing Therapy for Enlarged Prostate, please watch the enclosed Video: